Private Installation – Wedding Anniversary Gift, Villa Dejvice, Prague

Private Installation – Wedding Anniversary Gift, Villa Dejvice, Prague

“Petra as an artist has beautifully captured our wedding anniversary with her painting – 15 years together is a long time and therefore the shape of a lying figure of eight as an infinity symbol, which Petra used as the central motif of the painting, made us very happy. The geometric representation of myself and my husband, as 2 connected circles, which on the outside appear separate in colour, yet are also an important part of each other, reminds us of the strength of our bond as partners and the daily importance of support and communication. The beautiful art certificate as a little extra with the personal delivery of the painting to our celebration was just the icing on the cake. Thank you very much and we wish her many happy clients from the bottom of our hearts.”

Radka and Jan, Private art collectors, Painting – You and I (Acrylic on canvas, Dimension 80×100 cm, Prague, 2014).