Painting rental – Prague Office Schaffer & Partner

Painting rental – Prague Office Schaffer & Partner

Schaffer & Partner is an internationally active group of tax advisors, auditors and attorneys with an active public media presence based in the beautiful Myslbek Palace in the very centre of Prague. The offer to cooperate on a one-year lease of 9 original paintings for the reception and main meeting rooms of the company was a beautiful artistic challenge with great client potential. In addition to individual client work, Schaffer & Partner also regularly holds thematic educational conferences and provides regular legal commentary to the public media, which has opened up the space for greater exposure of the artworks to the professional community.

The works were carefully selected together with the firm’s office manager so that they matched the logo and corporate colours in terms of colour and theme. Photos of such geometrically accented interiors are still used by the firm today in its web and media presentations.