Private Installation – Living Room, Appartment Modrany, Prague

Private Installation – Living Room, Appartment Modrany, Prague

“After I took the keys to my new apartment and walked into the generous, spacious, sun-filled living room overlooking the river and greenery, I knew this space had to be dominated by a large-scale, airy original painting of vibrant colours and light geometric shapes. The interior designer was therefore given a clear brief, to minimise the furnishings in terms of number of furniture pieces and colour scheme. He deliberately used only the colours contained in the bespoke work on the minimalist accessories. The painting entitled Wind, which was painted for this space, can thus beautifully interact with the entire space and act as a unified cosy airy whole. I love the energy, originality and endless spacious communication that a well-chosen original painting can add to any home.”

Petra, Painter, Painting – Wind (Acrylic paint on canvas, Dimension 100×150 cm, Prague, 2016).