Private Installation – Wedding Anniversary Gift, Apartment Zbraslav, Prague

Private Installation – Wedding Anniversary Gift, Apartment Zbraslav, Prague

“After moving into our new apartment, my husband and I couldn’t agree on decorating 2 walls – in the living room and dining room. We each had different visions, but fortunately we met Mrs. Skopalova who helped us not only with clarifying our common ideas, but also with its geometric and color representation. The painter Petra Skopalová was able to create 2 beautiful paintings tailored to us, which beautifully expressed our common interests in ballroom dancing, chess and playing the saxophone. It was a very pleasant experience for us to see how geometric abstraction works beautifully in the processing of even such a concrete assignment.

The painting entitled Shall we dance, that we have in our living room, dances with colours and tones and fits beautifully with the large bookcase we have on the next wall. In contrast, the other painting in the dining room, titled Chess Game, subtly matches the dining area where our whole family meets and figuratively speaking solves our daily chess game called life at the set dining table. We can only highly recommend our cooperation with Mrs. Skopalova, she was able to create not only 2 beautiful paintings for us, but also a distinctive story that we like to tell to new visitors.”

Ivana and Jaroslav, Private art collectors, Paintings – Shall we Dance (Acrylic on canvas, Dimension 70x100cm, Prague, 2015) and Chess game (Acrylic on canvas, Dimension 70x100cm, Prague, 2015).