Exhibition – Cultural Centre Kladno, Czech Republic

Exhibition – Cultural Centre Kladno, Czech Republic

My solo exhibition titled Art is in the air, which took place from October 2015 to May 2016 at the House of Culture in Kladno, Czech Republic, rightly ranks among my most extensive solo artistic ventures towards the cultural public to date. A total of 20 of my original paintings were exhibited in the foyer of the House of Culture, including several brand new ones, painted directly to fit these impressive interiors. The opening ceremony of the exhibition took place on 5 November 2015 in the presence of prominent artists, journalists and the main representatives of the cultural scene in the region. Thanks to the beautiful idea of the owners of this unique cultural centre to connect the world of painting with the world of music and culture, this exhibition achieved record attendance. The paintings could be viewed by all visitors to the cultural events organized by this art center throughout the 2015/2016 programming season.