Private Installation – Dining room, Apartment Kunratice, Prague

Private Installation – Dining room, Apartment Kunratice, Prague

“The place around the dining table has always been a central motif in my life, it’s where the family comes together in one place to communicate, create, work and share ideas and visions for the future. That’s why I wanted a beautiful original painting to hang on the wall by the dining table to artistically represent these ideas of mine. And of course, since the dining room is also a place where we get our energy, whether from eating or sharing stories and experiences from the day, I wanted the painting that would hang there to be full of colour and energy. The painting, called Scratches, has beautifully fulfilled this idea and has even become an iconic member of the family, making this place more beautiful and vibrant for all of us.”

Petra, Painter, Painting – Scratches (Acrylic on canvas, Dimension 100×150 cm, Prague, 2014).